Sunday, October 16, 2011

Let the rehab begin!

Molly went to Dr Scheuler last Monday and came back with some good results. Lynette told me Dr Scheuler saw about a 5% improvement. He knew that didn't seem like much, but he hadn't expected to see that at this point. He worked her legs a bit and Molly was NOT happy about that, so she definitely has feeling back there!

He wanted her to come stay for a week so they could work with her and I just saw on Lynette's FB page that she will be going there tomorrow for five days for intensive therapy. They will be able to give her pain shots to he can start working her leg muscles. She will also do swim therapy while there.

This week at the specialist will not be inexpensive, so again, I'll put out a plea for financial help for Molly's care. It can be sent to GoldHeart Golden Retriever Rescue. If you can let them  know it is to help sweet little Molly!

Here is a pic of the sweetie swimming at Lynette's with her new life vest!

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