Friday, September 30, 2011

Molly's home!

Molly came home this afternoon. Long ride for the little girl. 

She has a Fentanyl patch on until October 3 and then they will try the oral pain pills. 

She really does need to eat more. She had gained some weight prior to the surgery but now she is very thin. Surgeon told Lynette that her goal now is to get her to start eating more. 

Lynette is so very relieved to have her back. Hopefully Molly will feel more comfortable now that she is home and her appetite will return. Being with and surrounded by her loving foster family can only help and hopefully the best medicine she needs to get her appetite back. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Update 9/28/11

Lynette got a phone call from Dr Schueler today with an update on Molly. Here is Lynette's email quoted:

Hooray - Dr. Scheuler said he thought he saw some slight improvement on Molly's right side this morning - it might not seem like much but it is a great sign!

YES! YES! YES it is!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Molly had a visitor today! 9/27/11

Sweet little Molly is stuck in the hospital for a couple days before she can go home for her long road to RECOVERY and HEALING and IMPROVEMENT and RESTORATION! 

But foster mom, Lynette ventured to the hospital today to spend some time with the sedated little girl. Lynette stated: "a little drugged from the morphine but doing well. I fell asleep on the floor laying next to her for about an hour".

We all send our snuggles and love, Molly!

Lord, please heal this little pup inside and out, to the perfection you intended all little puppies to enjoy. Amen.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Surgery is now behind Molly

Someone looks a bit nervous...
As so many of us waited and prayed all day for little Molly during her spinal surgery, Dr Scheuler worked a little harder than anticipated. The surgery was a bit more complicated, in that they had to free her spinal cord from bone and scar tissue and ended up putting in a bone plate.

She will be in the hospital a minimum of three days, possibly longer. Once back to her foster home with Lynette, Molly will be sedated, only allowed out of her crate three times a day for ten minutes. She will need to be in a small crate so she will have very little room to move around.

Her room is to be dark and quite with as little stimulation as possible. She will need a baby monitor for Lynette and family to monitor if she starts to stir or cry. Remaining calm and still for eight weeks will be a very long road ahead - a road we all pray will be worth it in the future.

Molly in good (and God's) hands: Dr Scheuler and assistant 
We have a few days before Molly comes home, so if anyone has a baby monitor or a small MESH crate that Molly could borrow, please let us know. You can comment below and contact GoldHeart and tell them you saw the need mentioned on Molly's blog.

Again, any financial help for Molly's expenses can be donated at http://www.goldheartorg/. Molly is featured on the home page with a donate button just for her!

It's amazing how so many are routing for this dear little girl. I was at a local book signing today at our UPS Store run by Kris (who actually was the one who got us all involved with Molly). Ironically the new book is called "Miss Molly and Me - Best Friends Forever" by Stacy Randal Self. A wonderful doggie story I'm anxiously looking forward to snuggling up and reading with the 'kids' over the next couple evenings. BUT the cool thing is: proceeds from the signing today are going to Molly's expenses.  Thanks, Stacy and Kris! You can purchase to book on Amazon.

Molly, Molly, Molly! we love you; we're praying for you; we're rooting for you; and want the ALL the best for you. Rest comfortably! Get stronger; Heal quickly! WE MISS YOU, precious pup!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Prayers Requested

Monday afternoon, 9/26 is the day Molly goes for her spinal surgery for a chance to help her to walk someday. With an 8-wk restricted schedule afterwards for this little girl, she's got a rough road ahead.

Please pray for a speedy recovery from a totally amazingly positive surgery with no complications. Pray that she'll live up to her name: Molly Miracle!

Sweet little girl, we're all praying really hard for you!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Surgery is scheduled! ! !

Molly's spinal surgery is scheduled for MONDAY! !
September 26!
Please keep this sweet little angel in your prayers. Pray  God guides the surgeon's hands during the surgery so it will be successful and enable her to walk and have full b&b control! She will have to stay at the 'hospital' a few days for recovery.

Hugs and love and many prayers for you, little girl. We're all praying for you!

To help with Molly's surgery expense, you can donate to Molly directly on Goldheart's website at where Molly is featured right on their homepage!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Molly went to "Woofstock"

A beautiful day for a dog walk - even for Molly. Molly attended Woofstock in Harrisburg on Sunday, Sept 18 with her friends from GoldHeart Golden Rescue ( She even got on TV! Channel 27 did a spot on her to help raise funds for her spinal surgery. She's a star. She's "touching lives and warming hearts" already at her very young age.

Here is the link to the TV coverage! Channel 27 video clip

Anyone who meets Molly is just so impressed with her happiness and enthusiasm. She surely deserves a chance for better mobility! YOU can help Molly by clicking on the donate button on GoldHearts website (

Molly, GoldHeart and all her friends thank you! 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Molly got her MRI

Lynette took Molly to Dr Schuller for her MRI on Tuesday at 3 pm. Looks like 50/50 chance she could  walk someday. Watching for more updates to see what decisions are made. See Lynette's comment below:

" He went over the MRI with me - she has some discs that are too small and some discs that are too long, she has one with a large bone spur that would have to be removed, he would have to shave some bones, add some metal rods, screws and cement. "

Poor little girl! Let's keep her in our prayers!
Thanks so much Lynette, for taking such good care of her!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

God sent Molly an Angel!

Facebook is a wonderful thing. Lynette's post on Molly says it all! Lynette truly is an Angel sent to take care of the precious precious little girl!

"I am so excited - Molly went swimming today in our dog therapy pool (thank God we built one) and she did GREAT! She swam for about 10 minutes and loved it. Unfortunately she was still not able to move her back legs even in the water but she will be doing this now 3 times a day."

I feel sooo much better. Prayers are being  answered each day. Lynette, how do you hide your wings? :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Molly Miracle moved to MD

Molly resting after a long ride to her new home.
"Please turn the lights out! I'm trying to sleep"

Sweet girl Molly is now with Gold Heart Golden Retriever Rescue in her new home with Lynette and family in Middletown, MD. Kris and I delivered her in person to Lynette's home, but were contemplating turning around each mile of the way. BUT we did what was best for Molly at this point. It was a very hard thing to do. Molly is such an endearing little puppy. Her spunk is amazing! She's a puppy who has no idea she could have 'issues'. She loves everyone, everything and just life in general - a typical golden.

Looks like an MRI is scheduled next week for her and I can hardly contain myself to wait to hear the results. I pray, as I'm sure many are, that there will be something they can do to improve her situation. 

I hope to be able to post more info or show Lynette how to update Molly's blog.

In the meantime. if anyone wants to donate to Gold Heart for Molly's medical expenses, please, we'd love to help them! Click here to go to their DONATE page. Be sure to let them know, we sent ya from Molly's blog!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Moving day for Molly tomorrow

Weather permitting, Molly will be traveling to MD to Gold Heart Golden Retriever Rescue's special needs foster home. Here, she will get the medical tests done to know once and for all what her prognosis is

We all pray she'll be able to walk someday or at least learn to get around in her cart. She sure is scampering around just the way she is, but that's not conducive to live that way. Slings have been used to assist her with potty-ing and getting from point a to point b.

My heart is heavy, but I've put her in God's hands and have faith He has a wonderful plan for her inspirational live ahead of her.

Please do check back. I'll post as I hear anything. I will also be posting a link on how to donate to help cover Molly's MRI, possible CT Scan, spaying, physical therapy sessions, etc.

Please keep this precious little girl in  your prayers.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Molly, dear sweet Molly!

It's with great sadness I post that Molly is looking for a home again. The family tried but found it to be too much. Molly needs a lot of TLC and will for quite sometime.

I'm afraid rescue may be the way we're going to have to go. Molly is staying with Kris, who actually is the one who found Molly back in June and been supporting her in any way possible with neurologist appointments and rehab appointments. But with so many other demands on her life right now, I doubt she can keep her.

It's killing me not to be able to take her. I'm STILL losing sleep over this.But we do have several rescues who would take her. Now we just want to be sure she goes where she'll be best taken care of and happy.

Unless there is an angel out there . . .